Home » We do surge protection for buildings

We do surge protection for buildings

We do surge protection for buildings for homes and businesses. Proper protection is of grave importance especially in today’s day and age where many employees are working from home or home-based offices. Data loss is one of the biggest risks when it comes to damages caused by lightning and power surges in the working environment. Equipment can be replaced but the data in most cases cannot simply be replaced even with backup solutions. We do our workmanship the proper way so that you can rest assured that your appliances and devices are safe during times of unstable power supply.

We specialise in lightning and surge protection for buildings for homes, offices, home-based offices and more. Every client’s needs are different, no two office works the same way or have the same equipment and as a result it is very important to have a professional installer to help with the planning and setup of your protection solution that will work for your individual needs.

Surge and lightning protection is a beneficial combination. This powerful combination of both systems reduces your risk for damages and ensure that your appliances and devices benefit from the maximum lifetime. We do not only specialise in proper lightning protection systems, but also in surge protection for buildings solutions to suit your needs!

Many electronic and hardware stores will sell so called protection devices, but be aware that in most cases those devices are not strong or reliable enough to ensure proper protection, We highly recommend making use of specialised and well-developed solutions for your surge protection for your needs – we do surge protection for buildings solutions that have been tested and developed to ensure the best reliable surge protection for buildings solutions on the market. Make sure that you buy it once, and buy the right solution from the beginning and have that peace at mind that you really are well covered and that your risks is as little as possible.

Do you need protection? Contact us.


Kas Cloete

072 158-4601


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